The Big Help accelerates progress towards the desired future through our core initiatives — Education, Mentoring, Character Development and General Support. As you learn about our new initiative, we hope you will also be inspired and join us in realizing the future we aspire for our children, youth, and communities. Our strategy in fulfilling our role and promise in service to the vision lies within the initiatives we offer. We believe our initiatives will support the holistic development of children and youth from all walks of life as we will provide our youngsters with a full spectrum of support that will nourish and sustain them as they go through a critical transition in their lives so as to build a foundation for success. Our current and future initiatives include Education, Mentoring and Character development within youngsters from all socio-
economic backgrounds; as well as general donations support to youngsters particularly from disenfranchised communities. We also advocate for the sustainable development goals. See below the list of programs we are currently running and are still underway.

The mission of the Big Academy is to address failure rate amongst school going youngsters from vulnerable communities who do not have access to traditional tutoring opportunities. With specific focus on English and Mathematics. Learning is about improving the academic performance, knowledge, and skills of youth as the foundation for leading a healthy and productive life. Our role is that of a connector where we work with volunteers, public, private, and civil society partners to expand and
improve young people’s access to after school tutoring and academic support programmes. The Big Academy also seeks to encourage young people to positively engage in and maintain their participation in education by assisting them to develop a vision for their future and provide support to achieve their education and career goals.
B.H Foundation
First National Bank
Account Number: 62275342196
Branch Code: 289375 (Grove Mall Branch)
Use Reference: #RedAcademy
Want to honor someone? Join the Big Help as a volunteer? Give stock or make a gift from your estate? You can support The Big Help in the way that is best for you.
Support Our Projects
Want to advance a cause? Choose a project that inspires you, and help ensure its success.
Your support powers the Big Help’s mission.
Donate your time and expertise for one event or for ongoing initiatives as a Big Help volunteer.
Living Tributes
Celebrate, or pay tribute to, family, friends, and colleagues with the gift to charity in their honor.
Planned Giving
Leave your legacy and help ensure empowerment of our young people in your will or living trust.
Appreciated stocks, bonds, and mutual funds are a great donation option for taxpayers.
Workplace or Corporate Giving
Forge partnership with the Big Help to help create a thriving future for our communities by investing in young people today.
If you would like to learn more about becoming part of the Big Help community or just generally support the mission we are on, you can contact us at +264 81 550 6590 or email us at